West Kirby

West Kirby author publishes debut children’s novel

West Kirby author Charlie Lea has published his first full length novel, Great Grisly Hall.

Written for children aged 10 years and above,  Great Grisly Hall is a supernatural action tale about an eleven-year-old girl called Primula Percy, who is not allowed to leave her tiny village of Little Grisly.

Charlie is the director of literacy company, Read Now Write Now, which runs writing workshops across Merseyside, for both children and adults. He also set up the popular book exchanges at Hoylake and Manor Road train stations.

He said: “I am delighted that my first full novel has been published. It has taken over a year to write and edit and I hope everyone enjoys it.

“I have been helped, along the way, by a lot of the children who come to my writing workshops across Wirral and a few of them have characters named after them.

“I have always loved being scared and I know from working with children that a lot of them do too. I will be going around many schools in Wirral holding story telling assemblies over the next few weeks and will also be talking about the book at West Kirby Library on Saturday 15thDecember at 2pm. All are welcome.”

Book exchange launches at Manor Road station.

To celebrate the launch of Great Grisly Hall, Charlie is giving away two signed copies to a lucky reader and their school, if applicable. Entrants should be aged 10-12 years of age. Visit our Facebook page for more details.

Great Grisly Hall is available to be purchased on either Kindle or in paperback via Amazon Books and is priced £2.33 and £8.58 respectively https://www.amazon.co.uk/books-used-books-textbooks/b?ie=UTF8&node=266239