West Kirby

Mobile coronavirus testing centre returns to West Kirby

West Kirby COVID-19 test centre

A mobile COVID-19 testing unit is back in West Kirby until Sunday 19 July.

Operating strictly by appointment only, the drive through self-testing centre can only be used by people in their own vehicle, or one driven by someone in their household, and is located in the Concourse car park.

The mobile testing site has the capacity to provide up to an additional 400 ‘self-swab’ tests per day.

The mobile centre is located in the car park behind the Concourse, but you need an appointment.

Everyone over the age of five who is showing symptoms of coronavirus – a high temperature, a new continuous cough, or a loss of or change to their sense of smell or taste – is eligible to apply for a test.

Residents who meet the above criteria can apply for a test at the mobile site through the NHS website, selecting the Wirral site as an option via the booking process.

The mobile unit is in addition to Wirral’s satellite testing centre in Bidston which operates seven days a week. For the latest information, visit www.wirral.gov.uk/test, where you can also book a test at the Bidston satellite site.