West Kirby

Local wild swimmer braves “dip a day” for one year

A local wild swimmer is taking part in a “dip a day” challenge to raise money for the British Divers Marine Life Rescue

Rebecca Gillmore, who goes by the name Rebekah Mermaids, is a volunteer marine mammal medic, for the charity, which provides aid to stranded and injured marine animals all year round.

Rebekah Mermaid

During the first lockdown, earlier this year, Rebekah even took to taking daily dips in her wheelie bin.

She said: “As the seasons changes throughout the year entering the water presents it’s own challenges and with Wirral having such a big tidal range proves different challenges everyday.

“But I’m looking forward to new challenges this year and people from the community joining me along the way.”

As well as her fundraising work, Rebekah is also a Marine Conservationist, working with Surfers Against Sewage.

You can sponsor her challenge here: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Rebekah-Mermaids