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Parking charges to return next week

West Kirby Concourse car park

Parking charges are to be brought back at Wirral Council car parks from Monday 1 February.

They were suspended at the start of the COVID-19 lockdown in March 2020.

The council says it is costing it between £60,000 and £150,000 in lost income each month and it can no longer afford to sustain the loss.

Locally, charges will be reintroduced at the Concourse and Dee Lane car parks, together with Wirral Country Park in Thurstaston.

Leader of the council, Cllr Janette Williamson, said: “Continuing to suspend the parking charges is unsustainable given our budget and no alternatives to how we would replace that loss of income have been presented by any political party opposing the reintroduction of car parking charges.

“The income the council loses by not charging for parking in its car parks and some on-street locations puts extra pressure on funding for other frontline services.”

The local authority says machines will be cleaned regularly and that cashless payments are available.

The council needs to find £16.5 million to balance its budget for the next financial year, and one of the options currently under consideration is a hike in parking charges.

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