West Kirby

Beauty salon falls victim to impact of Covid

A popular West Kirby beauty salon has closed its doors for good due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Positive Touch on Grange Road reopened in April when restrictions began to be lifted, but has now shut down permanently.

In a heartfelt statement posted on the company website last Sunday, owner Laura Weston said they have “no reserves in the tank to carry on”.

She wrote: “Today is a very sad day as, 1 day before so called ‘Freedom day’, we have closed our doors for the last time.

“Over the last year or so I have fought tirelessly to keep the salon open and explored every avenue to keep going. However, our 20th year will be Positive Touch’s final chapter.

“Trying to stay afloat when the boat we are on is constantly being punched with holes has been exhausting. We are still miles from shore when it comes to this virus and there are no reserves in the tank to carry on.”

The shutters are now permanently down at Positive Touch

The business began in 2001, initially operating from a single room in a sunbed salon.

The owner has apologised to customers with bookings and gift vouchers: “I am sorry for all those who have appointments booked as we’ll have to cancel. I am so sorry for those who have bought vouchers as I can’t honour them.

“But most of all I am sorry to the new, talented team we opened with in April when I was genuinely hopeful we’d pull through. Especially after the hard work everyone has put in and I will be sad that I won’t get to the see talents develop of probably the best team I have worked with.

She added: “Many, many of you have been with me from the time I started across the road as a young 26-year old taking a gamble on doing something I love. Never really knowing if I was good enough to make a go of it. You helped the business grow, and me too.

“I want to thank you all for believing in what I was trying to do. You haven’t seen the last of me yet, but I need time to dust myself down, spend time with my kids and see what’s ahead.”

A second site in Heswall, which opened in 2016, had already shut down.