A planning application has been lodged with Wirral Council for 32 new build flats on the site of the former West Kirby Fire Station.
West Kirby Today revealed in August that developer Blueoak Estates had written to local residents living around the site asking for views on a scheme.
The apartments would range in size from one to three bedrooms, with private balconies, and be between three and 4.5 storeys.
The site would be made up of two L shaped blocks and also include 26 parking spaces, electric vehicle charging points and space for cycles.

A statement from the developer submitted with the application states: “The scheme has been carefully designed to respect its surroundings with its architectural form and materiality offering a contemporary interpretation whilst maintaining a traditional form.
“Landscaping and ecological enhancements will be provided on site where previously there were none.”
It adds that the scheme “will make a positive impact on the supply of new, energy efficient housing in the area on a previously developed site meeting an identified need and assisting in addressing the shortfall in Wirral Council’s supply of housing.”
Six of the apartments will be either shared ownership or affordable rent, with the firm saying priority will be given to young people.
In a statement, Blueoak Estates previously told us: “The redundant land at the former West Kirby Fire Station not only offers a great opportunity to utilise an existing brownfield site and deliver much-needed housing but also act as a catalyst for urban regeneration within West Kirby Town centre.”
The planning submission reveals that a leaflet drop in August of 570 local residents and businesses generated 11 responses, of which six were supportive, four were partially supportive and one was against.
West Kirby Fire Station closed in 2016 due to budget cuts, with a replacement later built in Saughall Massie.
You can read the application here: https://planning.wirral.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?keyVal=_WIRRA_DCAPR_112189&activeTab=summary