West Kirby

TV documentary charts late West Kirby woman’s cancer journey

A short documentary about the experiences of a community pharmacist from West Kirby who died of breast cancer is to be aired on television this weekend, as part of a BBC Arts series.

‘Mary Lost Her Battle’ by Oisín Power, who grew up in the town, will feature as part of a BBC Four series called Screengrabbed Too, which aims to unearth emerging artists and filmmakers from across the UK.

The documentary – his first – is a homage to his late mother, Mary Power, who worked for 17 years at Welsh’s Pharmacy, and died three years ago.

It depicts her experience of living with breast cancer and challenges common portrayals of the disease, particularly questioning the effects that words such as ‘battle’ and ‘war’ can have on those living with the illness.

This film is a joint effort between Mary and Oisín. Even when her health deteriorated, Mary was determined to use her story to help others in similar situations.

The film features intimate family footage from the final days of Mary’s life, as well as charcoal drawings and oil paintings that were created by local artists, Jacob Gourley and Ben Larsen.

Filming the documentary

The short will air as part of a programme starting at 10.30pm on Sunday 6 November on BBC Four. It will be available to view afterwards at https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001c94k.

Oisín said: “My mum believed that living with cancer is a unique journey, one that is specific to every individual. We wanted to capture her own experience and show how after being diagnosed with an incurable disease, she made sure to enjoy the rest of her life while she could.”

“It is a project we worked on together, and something we were both incredibly proud of. To see it on television means a huge amount to my family and everyone who worked on it.

“Given my mum’s line of work, it is very fitting that the film feels like a community effort. Plenty of Wirral people contributed lines of voiceover, local artists feature within the film, and the composer, Matthew Dwivedi, grew up on the Wirral too.”

Mary’s daughter, Gráinne Power, told West Kirby Today: “She was a huge part of the community in West Kirby, having emigrated from Ireland in her early twenties with my dad, Brian, and worked as a community pharmacist.

“Herself and my dad brought up me and my two siblings here while she worked in Welsh’s pharmacy in West Kirby.”

‘Mary Lost Her Battle’ was produced through the New Creatives North Scheme, which is supported by Arts Council England and BBC Arts.