West Kirby

Wavy wall installation under way

Installation of the new flood protection wall on West Kirby promenade is gathering pace.

Wirral Council says that by the end of January, work will have been completed up to the old baths site.

In an update, the council said: “With the wall units in place, works around them can then take place as the contractors move closer towards the completion of the scheme.

“Between Riversdale Road and Salisbury Avenue, new lighting columns are starting to be installed and will be switched on in the next couple of weeks. From Riversdale to Dee Lane, all preliminary works to the promenade and kerb are now complete and surfacing of the new promenade will begin this week. Resurfacing of the highway will begin at the end of January.

“As the wall units continue to be installed further along South Parade, the same pattern of related works will follow.”

Features including ‘waymarkers’ and a compass at the old baths sites will also be installed.

The council has revealed that access points for people to get on to the promenade will be secured by a combination of hinged gates, sliding gates and detachable barriers when flooding occurs.

It said: “For ease of reference, each access point will have names engraved into the face of the wall. These gates at each access point have been designed so that access to the promenade and marine lake walkway can be restored very quickly after any flood risk has subsided.”

There will also be hinged gates at the ends and middle of the promenade and also around the Watersports Centre.

Photo credit: Wirral Council