West Kirby

Help name the community garden at Marine Lake Health and Wellbeing Centre

Local residents are being asked to help name the community garden at the new Marine Lake Health and Wellbeing Centre in West Kirby.

Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Trust says the garden has been designed to provide an essential outdoor space for patients, staff and local residents to enjoy, and supports the ‘five ways to wellbeing’ – connect, be active, take notice, keep learning and give.

People can pick from the following choices:

Cast your vote either online via the Trust’s website www.wchc.nhs.uk/marine, or by visiting one of the following venues in West Kirby to complete a voting slip:

Votes must be cast by Wednesday 12 April and the winning name will be announced at the end of the month.

The new health and wellbeing centre, which is due to open in the spring, will include: