West Kirby

Developer wins planning appeal over fire station apartments

New build flats will be constructed on the site of the former West Kirby Fire Station after a planning inspector overruled Wirral Council, describing its decision to throw out the scheme as ‘confused and illogical’.

Developer Blueoak Estates wants to use the site for 32 one to three bedroom apartments with private balconies and parking.

Wirral Council refused the application last year, on the grounds that the site was designated for commercial or social infrastructure, and concerns over drainage and flooding.

However, ahead of the Planning Inspectorate hearing, it withdrew these objections, conceding that residential development on the site would be acceptable under the new Local Plan.

Instead, it defended its decision on the basis that the scheme was premature because it could impact on plans for a new masterplan for the centre of West Kirby. This was rejected by the inspector as the document does not yet exist.

In the appeal judgement, planning inspector Siobhan Watson concluded: “The Council has not come up with any substantive evidence to show that these options would be unacceptable or to demonstrate how the proposal would prevent the redevelopment and regeneration of the masterplan area.

“Given the above, it cannot be said that the development proposed is so substantial, or its cumulative effect would be so significant, that to grant permission would undermine the plan-making process by predetermining decisions about the scale, location or phasing of new development that are central to an emerging plan. Therefore, the proposal does not meet the criteria in paragraph 49a) of the Framework for refusing planning permission on the grounds of prematurity.”

She added: “Moreover, a development cannot be in accordance with a document which does not exist and there is no evidence that the masterplan would form part of the development plan itself, although I acknowledge that it would be a material consideration.”

The inner courtyard at the proposed development

One West Kirby, a community interest company which is working with businesses and residents to come up with a vision for the town’s future, said it was disappointed that the scheme had got the green light.

David Rawlinson, Chairman of One West Kirby, said: “Whilst One West Kirby does not object to the principle of some residential development in this area, we are very disappointed with the design of this particular scheme and particularly how it relates to its surroundings.

“We hope the developers will engage positively with the Council and the local community to integrate their scheme with wider proposals for the Concourse area as they come forward in the near future.”

A statement from the developer submitted with the application last October said: “The scheme has been carefully designed to respect its surroundings with its architectural form and materiality offering a contemporary interpretation whilst maintaining a traditional form”.

It added that the scheme “will make a positive impact on the supply of new, energy efficient housing in the area on a previously developed site meeting an identified need and assisting in addressing the shortfall in Wirral Council’s supply of housing.”

Blueoak Estates and Wirral Council were approached for comment.

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