West Kirby

Community building grant applications invited

West Kirby from above. Photo: Nigel McIntyre

Grants are now available to make community buildings across West Wirral and the wider city region cleaner and greener.

The Momentum Group, the North West-based property services company, has opened applications for grants from its Momentum Foundation.

Administered by the Community Foundations for Lancashire and Merseyside (CFLM), the grants will cover purchasing and installation of various ecological improvements to community buildings, including double glazing, installation of energy-efficient appliances and lighting, improved insulation and alternative energy solutions, such as solar panels and ground source heat pumps.

Using The Momentum Group’s skills and expertise, the initiative is designed to enhance the sustainability of community buildings to help organisations reduce their carbon emissions and utility bills, enabling them to reallocate resources to serve their communities better.

Chris Bliss, co-founder and director of Momentum Group, said: “Rising operational costs and the negative impact of the cost-of-living crisis on donations is reducing the ability of many local charities and volunteer groups to provide much needed community support.

“The latest round of grants from the Momentum Foundation is designed to help alleviate some of that financial pressure so that vital volunteer services can continue in the community.”

The Momentum Foundation was created by The Momentum Group, which was launched by Chris Bliss and Chris Renshaw in 2019, to ensure the business and its employees make a positive, long-lasting contribution to the communities in which they operate.

Chris Renshaw, The Momentum Group co-founder and director, added: “The Momentum Group endeavours to make a positive contribution to the communities of which it is part, whether that is through the provision of funding or in-kind resources such as the expertise of our team, particularly in areas such as increasing energy and operational efficient in buildings.”

To apply for a grant, visit CFLM’s website at https://cfmerseyside.org.uk/funds/the-momentum-foundation and complete an online application form by 11 August.

Applicants must own their own buildings or have a lease for over five years and will be expected to track savings made by the ecological improvements for which assistance and guidance will be provided.

Completed applications will be assessed by CFLM to check eligibility and a panel will make recommendations based on the fund’s criteria and the budget available.

Further information is available by calling 0330 440 4900 or emailing applications@cflm.org.uk