West Kirby

Former Lattetude cafe to be knocked down

The former Lattetude cafe in West Kirby is set to be demolished to make way for a single storey new-build retail unit.

The proposal forms part of the development on the site of the old M & Co store on Dee Lane, which has been razed and is being replaced by apartments and shops.

The conservatory-type structure which used to house the cafe is currently a site office for the scheme, which is being constructed by Starship developments.

CGI Sandlea View
A CGI image of the development

A design and access statement submitted by DK Architects with the application states: “The intention of the proposed development is to revitalise this area of street frontage by building upon the opportunities of the new-build commercial units currently under construction on the adjacent site.

“By demolishing the tired and dated single-storey conservatory and extending the ground floor of the adjacent building to meet the retained Victorian building, the commercial offer can be reinstated, but in a high-quality and contemporary way.

“This will offer a significant visual improvement to the street frontage in general.

“In summary the development will create an attractive and sought-after commercial offer to invigorate this key town centre route, whilst also connecting the adjacent new-build scheme to the retained Victorian property in a sensitive and appropriate way.”

It means the scheme, named ‘Hilbre Sands’, will include three retail units on the ground floor, with eight apartments above.  

The application says there is already “significant interest” in the retail spaces.

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