West Kirby

Beach consultation is coming to a close

The first phase of a public consultation for people to express how they would like Hoylake beach to be managed in the future ends on Wednesday 10 August.

The issue of whether or not the beach should be raked has divided opinion in the seaside town since it was paused in 2020, following advice from government environment body Natural England.

As we have reported previously, a number of different groups are campaigning for and against it being left to nature.

The six-week consultation process has included a questionnaire and drop-in events.

To have your say, visit: https://haveyoursay.wirral.gov.uk/hoylake-beach-information

In a statement when the consultation was launched, Wirral Council said: “The findings of this consultation will assist in the development of the objectives and a range of options for the long-term, sustainable future management of Hoylake Beach. There will be further consultation on a short list of options before councillors agree the preferred Beach Management Plan for Hoylake Beach.

“The plan will be subject to a Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA). In order for it to receive assent from Natural England, the management activities considered in the HRA need to align with Natural England’s nature conservation objectives for North Wirral Foreshore Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).”

Wirral Council has previously said the new beach management plan will be implemented from April 2023.