Beach dog ban plan axed

Hilbre Islands

Plans for a summer dog ban on parts of some Wirral beaches – including West Kirby – have been axed.

It follows the closure of a consultation into plans for a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) from May to September, which had generated 8,500 responses and drawn criticism from many dog owners.

Announcing the move, Cllr Matthew Patrick, Cabinet Member for the Environment, said: “I said from the start that this was a genuine consultation where we would take on board what people have said.

“I think the responses have already shown us that we shouldn’t go forward with the beaches.

“Therefore I am happy to say that beaches and small exclusion zones will form no part of any future proposals.”

The proposed dog ban area on West Kirby beach

Cllr Patrick has also pledged to look on a “case by case basis” at which sports pitches should see restrictions.

Wirral Council added: “The aim of any new rules that go forward will be to ensure that Wirral’s beautiful open spaces can be enjoyed by everyone, including dog owners and their pets.

“Over the next few weeks, all the findings will be looked at in detail before a revised proposal is put together. This will then be put to the ruling Cabinet for a final decision.”