Planning committee recommended to back Ashton Court housing scheme

Ashton Court development

Planners are again recommending approval of a controversial proposal to build 14 properties on the site of Ashton Court in West Kirby.

Members of the planning committee have rejected the advice of officers twice previously and kicked out applications by Starfish Commercial for homes at the former sheltered housing complex on Banks Road, following fierce objections from local residents.

The latest application – for 13 three-storey townhouses and a two-storey detached house – is identical to the previous submission, and will be considered at a meeting on Wednesday 17 April.

Site proposal for Ashton Court development
Site proposal for Ashton Court development

Two petitions totalling almost 600 signatures opposing the scheme have been submitted, along with 66 individual objections. Concerns include parking and traffic issues as well as loss of privacy and light. West Kirby Campaign Group is calling for the existing 22 derelict flats to be refurbished as social housing.

Starfish Commercial states in its application: “We feel that this is a great mix of utilising the site to its full potential in terms of densities but without having a detrimental consequence on amenity space or jeopardising the existing character of the area.

“Each block has been arranged to address and strengthen the street frontage as well as providing natural surveillance. The street and footpath layout allows good access for vehicles and pedestrians creating sufficient levels of separation to increase safety, and reduce antisocial behaviour”.

The former Ashton Court sheltered housing complex, earmarked for 14 properties

Access to the site would be from Ashton Drive, with one parking space per property.

An assessment by council planning officials concludes that the proposal “will not have an unacceptable adverse impact on the character of the area or the amenities of neighbouring properties” and recommends it be given the green light.