Hoylake residents and businesses urged to have their say on town’s future.

Hoylake High St 4

A consultation has been launched looking at future plans for Hoylake, including a potential town square and ideas for the beach and promenade.

Residents and businesses in Hoylake have been invited to have their say in helping to shape the town’s places and spaces in the future.

Among the plans being considered are:

  • Town Centre: Whether the idea of a Town Square, within the town centre, is shared by the community and, if so, how it could function and what it could look like.
  • The promenade and beach: Considering the changing landscape of the beach, to imagine the future function of the promenade and beach in terms of activities and its connectivity to the high street.
  • Carr Lane: How the Carr Lane industrial and residential areas could be enhanced through activities, better connectivity and community-led development.
Hoylake beach today
Hoylake beach

The consultation is being led by the social enterprise PLACED working with local group Hoylake Vision.

Mark Howard, chair of volunteer group, Hoylake Vision said: “High streets across the UK have been changing rapidly over recent years, with many being affected by the closure or relocation of local shops and services, and the reduction of maintenance budgets. The current Covid-19 crisis has brought these issues into greater and immediate focus as people’s priorities, spending habits and desires have shifted.

“Despite Covid-19, there’s a buzz in Hoylake at the moment. After years of economic decline, there’s a real sense of movement in the right direction, with some fantastic new businesses setting up shop. There’s also the Beacon cinema and arts centre project under development now in the old Town Hall, which will have a profound and positive long-term impact.

“This consultation is a great opportunity for the wider community to be involved in shaping how future development can continue to meet the needs of those who live and work here, as well as those who visit Hoylake, in a balanced and sustainable way.

“Our wonderful town has so much more potential yet to be realised; creating job opportunities, increasing footfall and helping businesses to thrive.”

Jo Harrop, PLACED director, said: “We are an independent facilitator, and our role is to help people to develop and share ideas and support constructive conversations on issues that matter to them. We know that people have a great deal of knowledge about their local area, and we look forward to hearing their thoughts.”

To take part in the consultation visit www.placed-engagement.org.uk/hoylake

For those who do not have internet access or who would prefer paper surveys, these will also go through peoples’ letterboxes in the coming weeks.