The businesses in West Kirby and Hoylake stepping up to feed children on free school meals during half term

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Several cafes, restaurants and businesses in West Kirby and Hoylake are helping the families of children on free school meals over half term.

It comes in the wake of a ‘holiday hunger’ campaign by footballer Marcus Rashford, who has been highlighting the issue of parents struggling to feed their children during school breaks.

Aubergine Cafe in West Kirby hit the national headlines after the Manchester United star shared their offer of a free takeaway sandwich for children, and has subsequently been inundated with donations and support.

Owner Andrew Mahon says that as a result they will be able to offer more than 500 meals to youngsters in food poverty “to ensure our community’s children won’t go hungry during a national health emergency.”

Here are the businesses we are aware of that are helping struggling families this week.

Aubergine Cafe, West Kirby

Pickled Walnut, West Kirby

Golden Tiger, Hoylake

Quirky Cafe, Hoylake

Julian’s Restaurant, Hoylake

Alissi Hairdressing, Hoylake

Monte Carlo, Hoylake

If you know of others we have missed, email and we will add them in.