Could you be a lifeguard for West Kirby beach?


The RNLI is in search of budding new lifeguards to spend a season working on some of the Wirral’s most popular beaches.

The charity is looking for lifeguards to join the team and help offer safety patrols on West Kirby, New Brighton, Moreton, Leasowe Bay and Harrison Drive beaches this summer.

Lifeguard at West Kirby beach

Ryan Jennings, RNLI Lead Lifeguard Supervisor says: “If you are looking for a unique and rewarding summer job, lifeguarding could be the perfect opportunity for you. The job is demanding and requires a clear head, commitment, and dedication.

“The skills our lifeguards gain can be an ideal first step towards many career paths or offer invaluable experience for those studying or training in a similar field. We’ve had lifeguards who are studying for jobs in the emergency services or even volunteer for other rescue agencies. 

“We’re looking for people with courage, determination and the ability to put their training into action and make the right decision if someone’s life is in danger. It is an incredibly rewarding role.”

Find out more about how you can help to improve the safety of your local community and apply to be part of our amazing lifesaving team at