West Kirby Library has fully reopened for the first time since March last year.
Customers can now browse the shelves instead of ordering and collecting books selected by a member of library staff, or using the online service.
Wirral Council said: “Things will look slightly different at each of the sites as the layout of the libraries has been changed to comply with government guidelines, but staff will be on hand to help with any queries.
“As restrictions ease, and Wirral Libraries have added more services to the library offer and other businesses reopen, please remember to be patient, kind and safe.”
The local authority is warning visitors may have to queue if the building gets busy and are urging people to keep visits short, bring their own bag, sanitise their hands, wear a face covering unless exempt and adhere to social distancing.
NHS Test and Trace information will be collected at all four sites in line with government guidance.
Residents are encouraged to use the self-serve kiosks to borrow any books and use the cleaning materials provided both, before and after, using the kiosk.
Bebington, Birkenhead Central and Wallasey Central have also reopened their doors.
All four libraries will continue to provide the Order and Collect service and, for residents who prefer to continue using this service, orders can be placed by visiting www.wirral.gov.uk/collect.