20mph speed limit coming to Hoylake and Meols

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Councillors have given the green light to the roll-out of 20mph zones in residential areas in Hoylake and Meols.

It is one of 15 areas across Wirral in phase two of the scheme. But out of 107 responses received during the consultation from a total of 13,000 local residents, only 10 per cent were in favour of the scheme.

The scheme has sparked a debate, with a campaign calling for it be reconsidered receiving more than 7,000 signatures.

However a report to the environment, climate change and transport committee on Tuesday 5 December, noted that the consultation “is not a referendum or public vote but allows the public to inform the council of any issues that officers might not be aware of that might change the scheme”.

It added that officers are reviewing the scheme as and when requested by residents, and as a result phase one, which included West Kirby, has been further extended along Caldy Road, and a petition has been submitted for an extension of the scheme on China Farm Lane in Newton.

Several of the councillors on the committee pointed out that their own surveys showed most constituents were in support of lower speed limits on residential roads.

Committee chair, Cllr Liz Grey, said: “If we don’t carry out our intended roll out of this then we will be risking lives.”

Labour’s Cllr Steve Foulkes said the scheme is about co-existing with other road users so that “we respect each other and we end up with a safer world.”

Lib Dem, Cllr Allan Brame raised concerns that funding for the scheme could be lost if it were delayed.

An option to re-evaluate phase two of the scheme while council officers consider a more targeted approach – backed by Conservative Cllr Max Booth who raised concerns about the democratic process – was voted down.

The full list of roads, or part of roads, which will be part of phase two of the scheme, can be found at https://democracy.wirral.gov.uk/documents/s50108554/Enc.%201%20for%2020mph%20Zones%20Phase%202%20-%20Consideration%20of%20Objections%20and%20Officers%20Responses.pdf