Bond actor Daniel Craig in local lifeboat Spectre-cle!


He went on to become a famous fictional secret agent – saving the world from impending disaster – and now a photo has emerged which shows Daniel Craig may have had life saving ambitions from a young age.

West Kirby RNLI has posted a newspaper cutting of the future 007 actor in the 1970’s, pictured on board a lifeboat (second left, above).

He is with two other boys – Andrew Bloster and Paul Smith, along with crew member Geoff Hanson, wearing a life jacket. Geoff has since passed away, but his son Sam has continued the family’s association with the lifeboat, and is a member of the current crew.

In the caption, Craig is named “Danny” rather than Daniel, and is also sporting a hair cut that was popular back then but has not stood the test of time.

West Kirby RNLI joked: “This just proves that even Hoylake’s most famous icon couldn’t even successfully pull off the bowl-head haircut.”

Craig went to primary school in Hoylake, before later attending Hilbre High and then Calday Grange, and also played for Hoylake RFC.

Photo credit: Paul Smith/West Kirby RNLI