New workshop makes business networking easy and fun


A new event in West Kirby aims to take the fear out of business networking.

The Wirral Entrepreneurs Networkshop is described as a “gently facilitated networking event”.

Organiser Gillian Torres says it’s been designed as a direct result of feedback from local business people and aims to make networking a stress-free experience.

Attendees won’t be asked to speak to the whole group, pitch their business, work their way into existing conversations or stand on the sidelines feeling uncomfortable. Instead, they will be introduced to others and offered conversation prompts that remove the pressure to make small talk, while helping them learn about each other.

Gillian Torres, founder of Wirral Entrepreneurs Network, said: “The Networkshop is a training session as well as a networking event. If you’ve ever wondered how to approach networking – or wished someone would guide you through the experience – this is the event for you. Even people who attend loads of networking events will learn new things about themselves, and new ways to talk about their business. They’ll also have great conversations with lots of local professionals.

“If you’ve been to other Wirral Entrepreneurs Network events, this will be just as relaxed and friendly but with a workshop format. So I’ll talk to the group more, inviting you to chat to different people, using easy conversation prompts. The result will be a bit like speed networking but with zero pressure! And there will be plenty of room to take as much time out as you need.

“In 20 years of running networking events, the number one thing I’ve learned is that everyone gets more from an event when they’re feeling calm and confident. Supporting people to feel that way is always my priority. At the Networkshop, I’ll teach skills that will help you feel calmer and more confident at all other networking events you attend in the future, as well!”

Tickets are available now for the first Wirral Entrepreneurs Networkshop, happening on Tuesday 12 March 2024 at Leaf Tea Shop and Bar in West Kirby. This event, and all future updates from the Wirral Entrepreneurs Network, can be found at

You can also book Gillian to host a Networkshop for your network, by emailing