Consultation to start on further 20mph zones

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Wirral Council is starting a consultation on proposals for implementing further 20 mph speed limits, including in West Kirby and Saughall Massie.

Around 30 areas of the borough, including West Kirby and Hoylake, already have 20mph limits on many residential roads and near schools.

Consultation on phases 3 and 4, which propose further 20 mph speed limits in Saughall Massie, and near to Calday Grange and West Kirby Grammar Schools, is getting under way.

Residents in the areas affected being asked to share their views before consideration is given to their introduction in particular neighbourhoods.

Cllr Liz Grey, Chair of the Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee, said: “We believe that local residents are best placed to comment on the proposals that affect where they live and travel to.

“They can comment on where the best places to put the signs are, where the speed limit should start and stop and if any roads that aren’t earmarked to be 20mph in the plans should be.

“They can also set out whether or not they agree with the introduction of 20 mph speed limits on particular roads.”

The areas being consulted on, and the dates are:

7 August – 4 September

Saughall Massie Road/West Kirby Road/Pump Lane/Greasby Road

21 August – 18 September

Column Road – extension to cover Calday Grange Grammar School between junctions of Burlingham Avenue and Boundary Road

Meols Drive – extension to cover West Kirby Grammar School between the two junctions with Graham Road.

The survey and maps can be found at