West Kirby’s Banking Hub opens


West Kirby’s new banking hub has opened.

The facility, the first to open in Wirral, is based temporarily at Westbourne Hall on Westbourne Road.

It is open from 9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday.

It offers a counter service operated by the Post Office, where customers of all major banks can carry out regular cash transactions.

There is also a Community Banker service where representatives from each major bank come to the hub one day a week to speak to customers about more complicated issues.

The rota for the community banker service is:

  • Monday: Lloyds
  • Tuesday: NatWest
  • Wednesday: Barclays
  • Thursday: Santander
  • Friday: HSBC (date of start still to be confirmed)

Cash Access UK, which operates the hub, says it is working to secure a permanent home for the banking hub.

Gareth Oakley, CEO at Cash Access UK: “Following the opening of the new temporary Banking Hub in West Kirby, I am delighted to say that local residents can now enjoy access to cash and face-to-face banking services once again.

“We are working hard to progress the permanent home for the Hub and will provide an update to the community soon.”

If you would like to know more about the Banking Hubs please contact: cashaccessuk@cicero-group.com.

West Kirby’s last remaining high street bank, NatWest on Banks Road, will close its doors on 29 August.