20 year wait for West Kirby and Hoylake to be connected to Wirral’s new active travel network

Market Street in Hoylake

West Kirby and Hoylake will be the last places to be connected to a network of ‘active travel’ routes proposed across Wirral.

The council has launched a consultation on plans for what it describes as ‘safe, direct and high quality walking, cycling and wheeling routes for local day-to-day travel around where they live and work’ over the next two decades

It says the aim is to provide routes where they are most needed, such as by connecting residential areas to shops, workplaces, schools, leisure activities and stations to make everyday journeys easier and give people more options in the way they want to travel.

The ‘Core Active Travel Network’ combines new proposals, existing routes and those the council is already working on. Any new active travel proposals will be subject to funding and further consultation.

Locally, it proposes a route from Hoylake to Moreton along Market Street and Birkenhead Road, and from West Kirby to Greasby via Frankby Road.

However, the west of Wirral is one of the final pieces of the jigsaw and will be completed in phase five, estimated to be 15-20 years away.

Map of the proposed routes and timescale

Leader of Wirral Council, Cllr Paul Stuart, said: “These are not necessarily routes that people will walk, cycle or wheel the whole length of every day – instead the aim is that parts of them can be used to suit a variety of different journeys for different people.

“Allowing people to use other means of transport, and providing infrastructure for them to be able to do so, is one of the key ways that we can make sure that more of our residents and visitors can get to the places that they need to be and it also helps support our promotion of healthier choices.

“This consultation will play an important role in how the council decides on which areas to change and update in the coming years so we need as many people as possible to give us their views on the routes being proposed – tell us will they help people where you live to get to the places they need such as shops, maybe the doctor or health centre, station or are there better routes.

Within the survey, residents can tell the council:

  • If these routes will support people’s everyday journeys
  • What people think of the proposed prioritisation of the routes
  • If there are any existing routes on any of the core network that require improvement
  • If there are routes that are missing and need to be added

The consultation is open until 23 September and can be found here: https://haveyoursay.wirral.gov.uk/wirral-active-travel-infrastructure-plan