West Kirby Health and Wellbeing Centre opens its doors to patients on Monday 22 May.
The complex is the new home for Marine Lake Medical Practice and Estuary Medical Practice, both currently based at The Concourse. Their telephone numbers and email addresses will remain the same.
The scheme has been funded by NHS England and Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust.
It has treatment rooms on the ground floor, GP consultation rooms above and administration accommodation on the second floor.
There will also be specialist health and care services, including Community Nursing and Community Cardiology, and an expanded 0-19 Health and Wellbeing service for local families.
It includes a new community space and community cafe led by Age UK Wirral, plus a well being garden which local people have been involved in designing.
A spokesperson for the Marine Lake Medical and Estuary Medical Practice said: “From Monday 22 May, all services, including all appointments, will be provided from our new building located across the car park on Orrysdale Road.”
It marks the completion of a scheme which was originally given the green light 10 years ago.