Have your say over ideas for Hoylake’s future

Market Street in Hoylake

An open day is being held on Saturday 16 September for people to find out more about ideas being developed for Hoylake’s future, including a revamp of the prom and a sports village.

The event, organised by Hoylake Vision Community Planning Forum, takes place at St Luke’s Methodist Church in Hoylake on Saturday 16 September between 11am and 3.30pm, followed by their Annual General Meeting from 3.30pm until 4.30pm.

The open day offers a chance for the public to find out more about the work of the forum and how residents can help shape the objectives, priorities and policies within the Hoylake Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP), which is part of Wirral’s development plan. The NDP is designed to help the town’s economy to become stronger, more resilient and more sustainable over the coming years.

The forum is currently at an early stage of exploring proposals for the long term future of the 125-year-old Hoylake Promenade. Options for a comprehensive remodelling could improve the public realm and better use of public spaces along the route, as well as addressing flood alleviation, drainage, accessibility, parking, EV charging points, lighting and better management of pedestrian and cycle use.

Hoylake Vision is a group of volunteer residents and businesses who say they want to celebrate and protect the best of the town, while recognising that some change is inevitable and necessary in order for it to survive and thrive.

Ideas to revamp Hoylake prom are among those in the early stages of development

Mark Howard, chair of Hoylake Vision, said: “Hoylake is a great place in which to live, work and visit and we need to protect and improve its special character by building on the successes of the past to attract more investment. Our built and natural environments are tremendous assets that need to be actively promoted and enjoyed by local residents, organisations, businesses and visitors.

“The whole thrust of the NDP is to allow residents and businesses to have much greater influence on future decisions around any change; when it happens and what it looks like, rather than allowing a free-for-all for developers to do as they wish without scrutiny or thought for long term consequences at a local level. I hope everyone will take this chance to attend the Open Day to help ensure a vibrant, sustainable and exciting future for generations to come.”

Ideas are also being developed for the land around Carr Lane Industrial Estate to consider how to make better use of the countryside in terms of flood alleviation, wildlife enhancement and the provision of sports and recreational facilities to benefit the whole town and the wider region.

Hoylake Vision board member, Andy Snell said: “We have received strong interest from a range of established local sporting institutions, as well as those from fast growing sports such as padel tennis. They all recognise the need to improve and invest in sporting infrastructure to serve local residents and the opportunity that the green corridor between Hoylake and West Kirby presents to integrate this into our fabulous natural environment.

“Our intention is to canvas the thoughts of residents and the wider Wirral population as to the pros and cons of a sports village concept.”

At the end of the Open Day, Hoylake Vision’s AGM will take place, which people are welcome to attend.

Membership of the management group is also open to forum members who can offer relevant skills or experience.