MP visits Hoylake lifeboat station


Hoylake RNLI lifeboat station has welcomed recently elected MP Matthew Patrick.

He met Hoylake RNLI Coxswain Howie Owen (pictured) and some of the station’s volunteers, before having a tour around the lifeboat station from Lifeboat Visits Officer Brian Jordan.

Matthew heard about Hoylake’s long lifesaving history from 1803 to the present day, taking in the station’s memorial to the 1810 disaster in which eight Hoylake crew lost their lives. He was shown the numerous certificates recognising the bravery of crews over two centuries and photographs of the station’s historic boats and volunteers.

As part of the tour, Matthew was also able to see up close Hoylake RNLI’s modern all-weather Shannon class lifeboat, launch and recovery system, and Inshore Rescue Hovercraft, as well as the station facilities and crew kit.

The station’s volunteers talked to him about some of their recent rescues and how the changing seasons can bring different challenging incidents. As the charity that saves lives at sea, Matthew also heard how the local community supports the RNLI through generous donations at fundraising events throughout the year.

Matthew said: “I was thrilled to meet staff and volunteers to hear about their lifesaving work, and to be able to celebrate the centuries-long history of service they’re a part of.”

Coxswain Howie Owen said: “It was great to welcome Matthew to Hoylake RNLI as our new local MP and we appreciate him taking the time to hear about the commitment of our lifesaving volunteers, past and present.

“We’ve been fortunate to have support from our Members of Parliament over the years and look forward to welcoming Matthew back to the lifeboat station in the future for some of our community events.”