Est Italian closes after being hit with massive repairs and decoration bill by landlord


Est Italian restaurant in West Kirby has closed down, blaming a massive bill from their landlord which they say they cannot afford to pay.

The restaurant opened seven years ago on the site formerly occupied by The Hilbre pub on Banks Road.

In a post on Instagram, they said their sudden closure was due to a demand to pay £161,000 for repairs and decoration to continue with their lease, and has meant the loss of 16 jobs.

However Star Pubs, which leases the site to Est Italian, told West Kirby Today it has provided “guidance and financial help” to the restaurant.

Est Italian said: “After seven years of trading in wonderful West Kirby and many happy memories we have closed our doors with a very heavy heart.

“Much to our amazement in February we were given a Schedule of Dilapidations, these needed to be completed to continue with our lease and therefore trade. As the works totalled £161,218.50 + VAT it is far out of our small privately owned restaurants’ capabilities to complete the work.

“I am sure many of you will be disappointed but we cannot thank you enough for your tremendous support, fun and laughter over the years-the staff made some great friends and will miss you dearly.”

A spokesperson for Star Pubs said: “We want the pubs and premises that we lease to succeed and thrive.

“Where a licensee has issues, we provide guidance and financial help and we have done this at the Est Italian.

“We do not discuss licensee’s individual business arrangements so are unable to provide more specific information.”

Photo credit: Est Italian