Developer bids to replace bungalow with ‘harmonious’ housing


Scaled back plans have been submitted in an attempt to secure permission to demolish a large detached bungalow in West Kirby and replace it with houses.

A proposal for four semi-detached homes at 15 Grosvenor Avenue was withdrawn by the developer last year following discussions with planning officers.

Evoke Architecture has now revised the scheme and it comprises two semis and one detached home.

Other changes include the introduction of boundary walls at the front, a cut in the size and number of second floor windows to address privacy concerns, altering the design of the roof and the use of more traditional materials.

The rear of the development

In a planning statement submitted with the application, Evoke Architecture said: “The adjustments made in reducing the number of units underscore our commitment to crafting a development that contributes positively to the site and its surroundings.

“This proposal aligns closely with local planning policies, enhancing the existing character while introducing a harmonious addition to the neighbourhood.

“Additionally it addresses the pressing need for housing stock in the area without detriment to neighbouring amenity.”

The application can be found at

Artist impressions credit: Evoke Architecture