Is your road on the list for planned maintenance in the coming year?

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Wirral Council has announced the list of roads and pavements that will receive planned maintenance over the coming year.

A total of 40 roads in West Kirby, Hoylake, Meols and Thurstaston will receive either:

  • Surface dressing – overlay of chippings and a resin
  • Micro asphalt – thin asphalt overlay providing smooth surface
  • Resurfacing – the existing surface is planed and hot rolled asphalt is laid
  • Footway reconstruction – lifting and re-laying or replacing paving flags or block paving
  • Footway slurry – a thin overlay of black slurry

The schemes are in addition to reactive work through the year to fill potholes.

The full list of roads, and the treatment they will receive, is:

Hoylake and Meols

Birkenhead Road (Roman Road to Dovepoint Road) – surface dressing
Birkenhead Road (Albert Road to Wood Street) – surface dressing
Carham Road – footway slurry
Clysdedale Road (North Parade to Avondale Road) – micro asphalt
Courtenay Road (Barton Road to Stanley Road) – micro asphalt
Cranborne Avenue – footway slurry
Cromer Road – micro asphalt
Deneshey Road – micro asphalt
Fornalls Green Lane – footway slurry
Grange Road (Yewtree Lane to Dee Lane) – resurfacing with hot rolled asphalt
Hamil Close – footway slurry
Heron Road – footway slurry
Kings Court – micro asphalt
Marine Road (The Kings Gap to past Queens Drive) – micro asphalt
Meols Drive (Airlie Road to Morpeth Road) – surface dressing and footway slurry
Meols Parade – footway slurry
Meols Parade (Roman Road) micro asphalt
Park Way – footway slurry
Penrhos Road (off Barton Road) – micro asphalt
Stanley Road – footway slurry
Station Road (Meols Drive to Drummond Road) – micro asphalt
The Royal – footway slurry

West Kirby and Thurstaston

Abbey Road – footway reconstruction
Broxton Avenue – footway slurry
Caldy Road – footway slurry
Column Road (Black Horse Hill to Grammar School Lane) – surface dressing
Croft Drive West (Caldy Road to Croft Drive West Kirby) – surface dressing
Ennisdale Drive – surface dressing
Grainger Avenue – footway slurry
Grammar School Lane – surface dressing
Grange Road (Brookfield Road to Westbourne Road) – footway reconstruction
Gresford Avenue – footway slurry
Hillside Road – footway slurry
Hinderton Drive – footway slurry
Kings Drive (Caldy Road to end) – surface dressing
Melloncroft Drive West – micro asphalt
Priory Road – footway reconstruction
South Road – footway slurry
Station Road – footway slurry
The Green – footway slurry
Thurstaston Road (School Lane to roundabout) – resurfacing with hot rolled asphalt
York Avenue – footway slurry

A report outlining the work will be considered by the environment, climate change and sustainable transport committee on Tuesday 12 March.